The new hackers: Who are they? and how can we defeat them?

by Mark Fox

Armed with the latest software tools, they are successfully exploiting human weaknesses through clever phishing and spearphishing, and leveraging vulnerabilities in servers, payment systems, and cloud platforms. They must be stopped – and at the upcoming NetEvents Global Press & Analysts Summit in San Jose, CA on Sept 28 & 29, you’ll learn exactly how intelligence services, Internet providers, and software companies are taking the fight back to the hacker.

Come be part of the cybersecurity conversation at this Global Press & Analysts Summit. The final speakers are now being selected and we promise to dig deep into the mind of the hacker. Who are they? Some are government agents, some are from organized crime, and some are hacktivists. What do they want? Mayhem, money, mischief. Can they be stopped? Yes, but it can be done.

We are lining up presentations from top intelligence experts from the CIA, FBI, NSA, and others. Our editorial board along with our session chair people such as NSS Group are evaluating submissions from service providers and cybersecurity firms for a series of debate panels that will explore various aspects of cybersecurity from the enterprise, carrier/service provider, societal, and public-policy perspectives.

We can defeat the hackers. Share your voice as we discuss the challenge and the path to victory, in front of the worlds top business IT and cybersecurity media representing 120+ publications covering 35+ countries across the globe!

The cybersecurity problem is more than an inconvenience — it’s a looming disaster to businesses, organizations, and society around the world. Fully 2 in 5 — that’s 40% — of retailers across the globe suffered a data breach in the past year. Half a million Windows users have been infected by 15-year-old malware. In India alone, more than 27,000 cybersecurity incidents have been reported so far in 2017. The U.K. Parliament suffered 200,000 attempts to hack MPs emails. And Lloyds of London has stated that the cost of a single major cyberattack could exceed $53 billion in economic losses.



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