Broadcast Materials

International Media Round-Table

Trends in Multi-Cloud &
Cloud-Native Networking

15 September 2020

Live Broadcast Times
8am San Fran | 11am New York | 4pm London | 5pm Paris

Enterprises can do better than lift-and-shift. Through cloud-native and multi-cloud computing, they can finally realize the full benefits of distributed cloud computing.

Lifting and shifting traditional, single-platform enterprise workloads is the “lowest-hanging fruit” of enterprise cloud computing. Yes, administrators and developers can get a feel for the cloud, and yes, there can be cost savings. However, that conservative approach won’t make a huge impact on productivity or long-term competitiveness. That’s where cloud-native and multi-cloud come in.

Cloud native applications are purpose-built for the cloud, using microservices and other cutting-edge architectures. They can take full advantage of in the inherent functionality of the cloud platform provider’s APIs. That means stronger security, better identity management, comprehensive support for edge computing and mobile, and vastly better performance and efficiency. These distributed applications span multiple service provider’s clouds – and for the first time, enable complex hybrid applications to move from the enterprise data centre into the cloud.

Tying together the best of Amazon Web Services, Microsoft Azure, Google Cloud Services, the Oracle Cloud, and others – that’s the future. But it requires a new type of networking infrastructure to connect all of it.

Scott Raynovich, Founder and Chief Technology Analyst of Futuriom, is convening a blue-ribbon panel to debate the leading approaches to cloud-native networking, and the current trends for multi-cloud. They will compare notes on the latest advances and most promising innovations and discuss their potential to move the market beyond those “low hanging fruit” to embrace the real cloud payoff.

Chief Technology Analyst, Futuriom
Amir Khan

President, CEO & Founder

Vijoy Pandey

VP & CTO, Cloud

Galeal Zino

Founder & CEO, NetFoundry

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